Monday, August 31, 2009

Scary Day, but the little guy is okay...

This weekend Aaron and I went to Yosemite (trying to do all the stuff we've been meaning to do before baby comes). I mistakenly thought it was going to be 77 degrees and it ended up being 99! Well, I didn't look at the temperature until later and we went on a hike. The whole time I was like, "Wow, I feel just incredibly tired." I knew it was hot, but I didn't know it was THAT hot!

So I went very slowly, drank tons of water, took lots of breaks, and generally tried not to exhert myself. We even did an easy hike that was mostly in the shade. I felt like a huge wuss!

Afterwards I was DEAD tired. Never felt anything like that during or after the hike. Every time I sat down it was actually physically difficult to get back up, much less move. I ate a ridiculous amount of food and slept a LONG time that night! Then the next day we hung around the area in 95 degree heat and walked around some little towns (I got to pan for gold!), but again, it was hot and I was DEAD tired after only 1 or 2 hours of being outside, mostly in the shade.

Today, I was worried that possibly all my activity and the heat could have a negative effect on the baby. So I called the office. She asked, "Have you had any spotting or cramping?" and I said no.

Then, later in the day, I started having spotting. Terrified, I called the Dr. again and she had me come in. I was really freaked out, but it ended up being okay. She checked the heart beat, which we heard and was fine, and my cervix and said everything seemed great, and that the blood could just have been from my cervix from the overexhertion or something else. She compared it to a nosebleed. Nothing serious, sometimes just irritation causes a little blood.

So that's a relief, but my goodness, what a day! I got so worked up. That little baby is already very loved!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Maybe the pregnancy hormones are catching up with me, but everything seems to be annoying me! I am quickly alienating relatives with my blunt rants about how people did or didn't find out. I guess that means they don't know that I often rant and rave out loud without always meaning anything behind it.

At any rate, my ranting and raving has become much louder and maybe more agitated, hence causing sensitive people to have their feelings hurt. Which I don't mean. Of course I don't mean it. I love you guys!

At the same time, everything is annoying me. Either I'm too hungry or I'm too full. There is no middle ground. I'm too sick or too hot or too tired or too cold or too busy or too bored or too something! And I can't concentrate at work or at home, for that matter. And I can't blame it on pregnancy, even though I would love to, because I still want to be seen as a legitimate employee. I can't make decisions and I feel overwhelmed (usually a by-product of too much busy-ness, which I seem to be encountering). And, I have no idea what to do about it, other than express my constant annoyance, if only via this blog!

I constantly feel stressed and agitated--when a coworker stops by my desk, when I have to go to the bathroom for the 75th time, when someone cuts me off in traffic (if I'm not so tired I barely notice it), when I am impatient. Argh...

I guess I must be suffering from hormones, I guess. I never wanted to take it out on so many people (and yet not take it out on so many people--sorry people) in my life!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Created a Baby Fund

So, in anticipation of baby showers that will take place in December or sometime around there, I have created a fund for baby items.

We will still probably register, but mainly for smaller items, like onesies, creams, and towels. Since we live far away from many friends and family, it will be easier on them, and us, if they give us small gifts or no gifts at all and simply donate to the fund, if they wish to give us something. That way, we can purchase the bigger items that will cost a LOT of money more easily.

We want to buy a fairly expensive stroller, mainly because we want a jogging stroller with off-road capabilities so we can go hiking with it and also jog with it! Those are usually pretty pricey. I will also need a fairly expensive breast pump so I can be sure to pump fast and efficiently during work hours. There are probably other things we haven't even thought of yet, too! I know we'll need a crib and maybe some additional furniture, although we'll try to keep those to a minimum. And, we prefer to get most of the stuff used (since people around here buy the most expensive baby stuff and want to sell it when they are done with it, since it is still nice) rather than new, so if someone wanted to buy it for us new, we'd prefer they didn't and just gave us the money to buy a nice used one!

So, donations can start whenever, but, of course, I'm not asking for them--it's just I'd prefer that to a gift. Of course, gifts won't be refused--especially something handmade or heartfelt! I just know I've been to so many baby showers and had no idea what to buy. Usually, I just defaulted to clothes. Registries seem so impersonal and I'd rather get them something they really need! So, hopefully, this helps with that anxiety. Here's the website:

Friday, August 21, 2009

Pictures so far!

The baby snowman at 7 weeks and 4 days. So little!

11 weeks, 4 days. Not much change in a week.

Me at 10 weeks and 4 days. Getting bigger...

Me at 7 weeks 2 days or something like that. All kinds of bloated.

Don't know if you'd call this our first picture of our baby, but definitely the first evidence! OMG, a positive test! I'd never seen 2 lines before!

If this was 2005, this baby could still be a secret!

Well, Tuesday was Dr's appointment #2. My mother and Aaron's mother were anxiously awaiting the go-ahead to tell people.

As soon as I the appointment was over and we got the all clear. I called my mom who promptly told the people she was with. My mother-in-law, though, had a list a mile long of who she was going to call. So, Aaron was in charge of calling his brothers then calling his mother to give her the go ahead to make the calls. Aaron hadn't been on the phone 10 minutes when his brother had posted it on Facebook. His side of the family uses Facebook extensively. I called his brother to ask him to take it down at least until the rest of the family could hear it by phone. But, it was too late. Someone had already seen his post.

Then, the rest of the family immediately got on Facebook to offer their congratulations. All my friends started finding out through facebook. I was hoping to wait a few more weeks before telling my facebook friends, but oh well! Such is life... in the modern technology age...

Turns out, though, for all the people on Aaron's side and all my friends and such that found out via Facebook, my mother never even called my aunts and uncles! So I broke the news to one uncle via email. I called my grandpa, uncle, and aunt on the other side. My aunt wasn't home, so I told her husband, my uncle. Then, he forgot to tell her and she later heard it from her son who announced, "Hannah's pregnant"! Funny!

At any rate, if this was still 2005 (before Facebook and Myspace took off), this could still be a secret and I wouldn't have to pre-emptively announce to everyone I've ever met that yes, I am pregnant. And then my baby would be 3 or 4 years old!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We're pregnant! Holy Cow!

Um, so yeah, we are pregnant and are announcing it as of yesterday. So I will post pics and other stuff about my pregnancy here. So far most of the good stuff has already occurred to me, so hopefully there will be more stuff to come!