Sunday, October 25, 2009

3D Ultrasound pics!

More available here.
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I want to write a journal... Need ideas...

Hi, all, after seeing the baby on the ultrasound and feeling her move a lot inside, I really want to start writing some notes for her. Like, what it's like to be pregnant with her and personal, sappy stuff about how much I like feeling her kick, love her, and all that crap that you don't want to read on my blog, but I feel like I should put somewhere. Any ideas?

Should I just get out any spare journal, even if I already started writing it in and just go for it? I kinda think so. Or should I just write them on post-its and shove it in the baby book? or get a new book? This really shouldn't be such a tough decision!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Realities of Pregnancy are Setting In...

So, now, I would say I definitely feel pregnant. Before, I sort of felt fake pregnant. I knew it in my head, but didn't feel it so much...

This week has been an interesting week of pregnancy experiences. First, 20 weeks marks the halfway point, but as a friend so aptly put it, I'm "not half as big as [I'm] going to get." But, I'm pretty much out of regular clothes and primarily in maternity clothes by now, which is new.

Next, we got to see the ultrasound of the baby, which was incredible. I couldn't believe how much the baby looked like a baby! And what's more, that that baby was inside me! How amazing! It was so cute and precious. Just an adorable little thing that I can't wait to see and meet properly. We found out the sex was "probably" a girl. Everything looked pretty girly in the nether region and the technician couldn't find boy parts, concluding it was probably a girl.

My mom arrived in town with a box full of baby clothes that I wore when I was little and the realities just continue sinking in. I feel a little humbled knowing that my survival at the same age as my baby was entirely dependent on her and I thanked her for it, despite how weird it sounded to say, "Um, thanks for carrying me for 9 months, Mom." She laughed. What else can you say to that?

Then, she and I registered for gifts and it was really my first walk through a baby store, thinking deeply through the realities of what it will mean to actually have a baby, including the challenges of giving her a bath, feeding her, dressing her, taking her with me places, and more. Trying to think through all the scenarios really made it hit home for me...

Then, we did a 3D ultrasound. Partly because I wanted to confirm the gender, partly because my mom was in town and I thought it would be fun for her, and partly just because I wanted one done! Sure enough, it's definitely a girl! And she is so precious. I can't wait to meet her!!! Watched the video with my husband later (he was too sick with the flu to join us at the ultrasound place) and burst into tears. So emotional...

This week also marked my first experiences with some of the more negative pregnancy symptoms, such as back pain and, well, lets just say that sneezing is no longer as enjoyable as it used to be, so I'm working hard on Kegels to combat the effects. For the first time in my life I actually considered buying orthopedic inserts for my shoes because even my flats were sort of hurting my back! This from the girl who swore up and down to wear heels all through pregnancy. What is happening to me?!

All these realities and events in one week! It's been tough to absorb them all, although mostly they are very exciting. I don't have much longer to finish sewing up all that maternity stuff I wanted to make. And, after that, I won't have long to start sewing baby stuff! I better get on it!

Monday, October 19, 2009

I am an imposter!

I registered for some basics at Babies R Us this weekend with my mom. It was really my first time in the store and my first pass through the baby stuff in person (I've been doing most of my research online).

While there, the only other people I saw in the store were confused-looking people holding registry pages, presumably buying their baby shower gifts, new parents with strollers, and giant (and I mean GIANT) pregnant women. I looked at them with their enormous bellies, looked down at my comparatively tiny belly (if I even looked pregnant to them) with my registry gun in hand and thought, "I feel like an imposter!" Here I am, barely 5 months pregnant, already registering and these women are in their last weeks, waddling around, picking up last minute items before baby arrives, and I'm leisurely walking around with my gun in hand without a care in the world!

I guess I'll be them soon enough!

Friday, October 16, 2009

U/S came back normal!

Just wanted to share that the U/S came back normal. I guess all the limbs and organs that they can see are working properly. What great news! Boy, you just never know what you are going to get. Guess that means lots of prayer. I feel for parents who don't get such good news who have to face terrible realities...

Belly-themed Baby Shower Cakes

While I find this idea very clever. It has huge potential to be creepy. I just couldn't not share. This one is pretty cute:

And this one is downright sad! Huge boobs and the shirt all rolled up. And, is she wearing boxer shorts? Can you say white trash?

Thanks to Cake Wrecks for these photos

Thursday, October 15, 2009

20 Weeks pregnant picture

Me at 20 weeks:

All I have to say is, if I'm this big now, how much bigger am I going to get?! EEK! I'm scared... hehe...

19 Weeks picture!

Here goes. Me at 19 weeks:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's (maybe) a girl!

So, it's a girl! Or at least, we think it is...

We saw the 3 lines you're supposed to see when it's a girl, but the technician kept saying she's said that before and then little boy parts popped out. We looked and looked for boy parts, and so did she, but we couldn't find any, so I guess that means we are most likely having a girl.

We are going to do a 3-D ultrasound next week probably to get a second opinion and hopefully will know more then!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ultrasound pics 19/20 weeks!

The face:


Profile - whole body:

Profile (face):

So precious!

I guess I've hit hormonal...

So, yeah, along with the 19 week excitement of feeling the baby move and the thrill of finding out the gender today has come the celebrated hormonal rages of a pregnant lady... *sigh*

I really thought I might escape it. So far, other than a little extra road rage, I've really suffered no major hormonal outbursts. I would say that I can FEEL the hormones raging inside at times--because I feel like a teenager--passionate and alive, which I noticed decreasing in my body at the age of 22, but I had managed to escape a true outburst.

That is, until last night...

Without going into all the details that will probably set me off yet again, we had this TV console that we were trying to get rid of and, after 2 no shows and a person who said looked at it and never came back, I was getting really sick of having it in my house. Between that and the numerous posts on Craigslist, follow-up phone calls, arranging times, holding the item, and waiting for a person every night who never showed up, the stress got to me.

First, we'd tried selling it for a modest $25. Then giving it away for free. In both cases, it was a huge struggle to get people to come and take it away. The weekend and then this week has been and will be very busy. We've had 3 hospital tours in 3 days, a play, a football game, and work. Today is our huge dr's appointment and Aaron leaves for the midwest on Thursday--the same day as my mom arrives from Georgia.

So, when again last night, someone came to look at the unit, claimed they needed a truck, and then left and never came back, I had had enough. I felt stressed from repeatedly listing and rearranging my nights around Craigslist people and I just wanted the unit out of my house. It was the last straw. I couldn't sleep and instead got up and started yelling, screaming, and crying my eyes out over it. No. Really. I am insane.

Finally, I convinced Aaron to put the thing outside our house and I posted the address on Craigslist at 11:30 at night saying it was outside. I went to bed crying and wailing some more.

By 7:45am this morning, it was gone. I had an email at 1:45 from the person who took it--she had disassembled it and hauled it away in the middle of the night.

Of course, I felt a bit sheepish this morning. That and total, unreasonable elation that someone finally took it away. Yes, I think the hormones have finally caught up with me. I should have realized it when pictures of babies made me well up on Saturday. Look out world, the crazy woman has arrived!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tomorrow is the big ultrasound!

Tomorrow at 2pm we find out the gender of the baby!!! I can't wait--except for the having to go to the bathroom really bad because they make you drink 4 glasses of water part. I'm taking bets or guesses here or on Facebook. I'll update you tomorrow or Wednesday with the results!

We felt the baby move!

So, this weekend we went to see American Idiot in Berkeley and it was AWESOME! I highly recommend it, if you can get tickets. It was well worth it. Very, very good.

The show is performed in 1.5 hours with no intermission and, of course, the pregnant lady was concerned about the bathroom. Sure enough, after about 45 minutes I had to go... But I didn't. Then I started feeling something strange. It felt like shifting and I figured it was my body really getting mad at me for not going when I needed to go. Then, I put my hand down there and the little pokes I was feeling I could feel from the inside AND the outside! There was no way that was just my insides shifting. After I felt it for a minute or two in a couple random places, I grabbed Aaron's hand and put it on my stomach and he felt it on the outside while I felt it on the inside!

It was very exciting. Since then, I've felt a lot of weird shifty feelings in there, but I'm not always sure it's the baby. Sometimes I think it is, but then I put my hand on my belly and can't feel anything, so I don't know. Most of the time I just feel sorta weird and crampy down there--could by my uterus expanding or the baby-who knows!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Found an Alternative Baby Registry for Handmade stuff!!

I am so excited, I found this website in Fit Pregnancy magazine and it answers all my problems for how I tell my friends to get me something sentimental and handmade! It's an alternative baby registry!!!!

Actually it's for gifts of any kind, but this way I can specify things like, "Handmade baby blanket" or "Homemade meal after baby is born" or "second-hand stroller" so I don't get people going out and buying me a bunch of new stuff I don't need. Great, right!!! I'm super psyched about this and I've already started one. Of course, there will be a few rather expensive items on there and I put "cash - $25" as one, too. But this is just because I want to avoid people buying me gift cards. I would rather have the cash so that I can buy stuff I need where I choose or second hand.

If you'd like to see ours you can get to it here. I love this idea WAY more than the baby fund!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Just Because I'm Pregnant Doesn't Mean My Life is Over!

I have to comment on the perception people have of pregnant women and families in general. I understand that for many women, getting pregnant signifies a new chapter unfolding in their lives--a chapter centered around family and devotion to them.

However, just because many women feel that way, it doesn't mean that ALL women do. Personally, I view pregnancy and having a child as an opportunity for an experience.

I want the child to become a part of my life and, likewise, I want to be a part of its life. I want to raise the child to be a healthy, happy, contributing member of society, however, to do so I do not believe it requires me to, from now on, stay home and focus on them 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Yes, children take a lot of care, and there is no getting around that my life will change drastically. I will be busier and centered around the needs of my child, especially while he or she is young. And, I plan to be involved and enjoy being around my darling child--to take care of it and play with it and have fun. However, I refuse to let this define me or prevent me from also having a life of my own.

The same thing happened when I got married. Everyone said, "Wow, I didn't think you were ready to settle down!" And I was like, "What do you mean? Just because I get married, doesn't mean I suddenly stop talking to all my friends and spend 24 hours a day with my husband." My interpretation of marriage is one where my husband is a friend and partner--someone to share my life with--not to BE my whole life. He and I are great friends and we go out and have fun with our other friends--single, married, it doesn't matter. Maybe we don't go out as often as we used to and we have nights in here and there, but he is just as happy to stay home on a Saturday night as I am to go party it up with the girls. And, I don't see why it has to be any different. Marriage did not equal my life being over. I can still go out, have fun, and live it up with my friends--single or married. It's simply the same fun, exciting time it was before, only more enriched through sharing it with a partner.

Similarly, I feel the same way about children. I understand it will be very different, but just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can no longer go out with my friends for a nice dinner and drinks. It doesn't even mean I can't go out clubbing and dancing. Sure, I have to be more careful and I'll probably get tired more quickly, but it doesn't HAVE to be anything specific if I don't want it to be. I know some people will disagree with me, but I believe this is a personal choice.

Recently in talking to a friend, I said, "Sure! Let's go out. I love to go out and party." And her response was, "Then why are you pregnant?" Her response surprised me. Sure, my life is going to change, but just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I no longer want to go out and have fun with my friends--or that I'm no longer going to go out or have fun at parties. I am still ME. I'll party with my kid at home and party with my friends when I can, but just because I have a child means I want to stop all that or that I will have to. I thought carefully about her question because I felt like I was replying for all fun-loving pregnant women everywhere,

"Because I can have it all," I said.

And that basically sums it up for me.

I can have a job, a family, and a fabulous life with friends, fun, and excitement. Just because I have one doesn't mean I can't have the others. Things may change, but in the end, I'll love what I always loved and if having fun to me means partying or going out with the girls, I'll find a way to make it work. And, I don't see why other people have to judge that so specifically. Let the pregnant woman guide the way on what she wants. Some women want it all. Some women want the family life. Let them have it!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

18 weeks pregnant

Holy cow, I'm HUGE. This is 18 weeks. Maybe it's just the shirt? I look like I'm 35 weeks, not 18. Ack!!

17 weeks pregnant

Here's more belly pics for you. Below, 17 weeks.

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